News from the sector formerly known as Trumplandia, now the exiled Alt-Reich — The extreme corner of the Land of the Happy Negro
"It is now life and not art that requires the willing suspension of
disbelief." — Lionel Trilling
This site may contain profanity. It also may contain ranting, strong opinions, misspellings, humor, and music references. If that bothers you, look away now. "This Machine Kills Fascists" — Woody Guthrie.
“When I despair, I remember that all through history the ways of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants, and murderers, and for a time they can seem invincible, but in the end they always fall. Think of it—always.”
—Mahatma Gandhi
Welcome to "The Great Enshittocene." You are living in it now!
Forgiving those who show no remorse is injustice. There will be no meeting Nazis halfway in the name of "unity."
When I press alt-right on the keyboard my screen goes white.
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." — Edmund Burke
“We don’t take an oath to a king, or queen, or a tyrant or a dictator. And we don’t take an oath to a wannabe dictator… we take an oath to the Constitution… and we’re willing to die to protect it.”
— Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman Mark Milley, at his retirement ceremony.
A Manifesto
"Making America Great Again." |
Back in 2005 Lost Country recorded a song that was issued on their CD Long Gone Thrill. It was a song written by Jeff Gutcheon that was originally titled Land of the Happy Negro, subtitled Battle Hymn of the Republicans. We thought that no one would “get it.” It would be misunderstood; it might be construed as racist on our part. Of course, it was far from that. We changed the title and some of the lyrics. But today I realize that Jeff was on the money and that now everyone should recognize that he was. The teahadists, around 2011, demanded that the school textbooks in Tennessee overlook certain facts and look at the “sunny side of slavery.” So, now these “Ministry of Truth” protectors can take their proper context with the song that had them pegged from our earlier years when we tried to be kind. Now, we know they are not kind people. Now, you can hear the original track—unedited, unoverdubbed, with the original lyrics sung as a pilot vocal so we could work on the track that later became the issued recording of a kinder version, Land of the Happy People.
Land of the Happy Negro — copyright Jeff Gutcheon, 2005.
Randy Newman is in on this issue as well with an offering for you titled I'm Dreaming.
Get it while you can.
Dedicated to the Republican Teahadistas in the Senate and the House. How they long to return to the past.
For more on the Teahadistas: Americans Against The Tea Party
P.S. : It was rewarding to see
The Daily Show
using the title Battle Hymn of the Republicans for one of their segments. Great minds think alike. Except the greatest think of them first.
On page 97 in Jill Lepore’s book The Whites of their Eyes (2010, Princeton University Press) she states, “There was though, something heartbreaking in all this. Behind the Tea Party’s Revolution lay nostalgia for an imagined time—the 1950s, maybe, or the 1940s—less riven by strife, less troubled by race. In that nostalgia was the remembrance of childhood, a yearning for a common past, bulwark against a divided present, comfort against an uncertain future....”
As if anyone needed more proof of this retro-lunacy just look at our latest "sunny slaver" Cliven Bundy and his quotes on "happy negros." I quote Maureen Dowd in her Times column Sunday, April 27, 2014: "It’s a measure of how hallucinogenic conservatives are that they are trying to re-litigate slavery during the second term of the first African-American president." Jeff’s song could very aptly be subtitled Battle Hymn of Cliven Bundy.
Need more? Take a look at an Esquire article written by Charles P. Pierce dated April 25, 2014, Mike Pence Joins A Bad Parade.
"In downtown Indianapolis, there's this massive monument to the people from Indiana who have died in our various wars, particularly the nearly 25,000 Hoosiers who died in the War of Southern Sedition. I mention this only to point out that the National Rifle Association is meeting in Indianapolis at the moment, and Indiana Governor Mike Pence made them welcome by edging right up to being on the wrong side of the dispute that cost so many Hoosiers their lives. This, of course, is the on-ramp to the expressway to Bundyville, although Pence would be horrified if you pointed that out to him."
Governor Pence: "Washington is not only broke, it’s broken. The cure for what ails this country will come more from our state capitals than it ever will from our national capital. Despite what some may think in Washington, our state governments are not territorial outposts of the national government. The states are the wellspring of the American experiment. It will not be enough to cut federal spending; the next generation of leaders must permanently reduce the size and scope of the federal government by returning to the states the rights, resources, and responsibilities that are rightfully theirs!"
"This view of things was litigated at the Constitutional Convention. It failed. It was litigated over the tariff. It failed. It was litigated at Cemetery Ridge. It failed. It was litigated prior to the passage of the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments to the Constitution. It failed. It was litigated at Central High in Little Rock. It failed. It was litigated on the campus at Ole Miss in 1962. It failed. It was litigated at the Edmund Pettus Bridge. It failed. It is the connective tissue that binds modern conservativism inextricably to the remnants of American apartheid because this view of the nature of the nation always was the expression of threat that the slaveholder felt about his way of life. It camouflaged itself in a number of ways involving a number of different issues, but always it was about the fear that, sooner or later, the federal government was going to come and take away the chattel from which you derived your personal economy, and so even what might be beneficial to the nation as a whole must be resisted on the pretext of sovereign states...."
Not enough yet? Here you go. Dated July 21, 2014.
Top Anti-Immigrant ‘Expert’ Says ‘Being Hung, Drawn And Quartered’ Is ‘Too Good’ For Obama.
A senior policy analyst for the Center for Immigration Studies, which bills itself as the think tank of the anti-immigrant Right, told a Florida-based Tea Party group last week that President Obama not only deserves impeachment, but that “being hung, drawn and quartered is probably too good for him.”
The Center for New Community’s Imagine 2050 blog first reported on Stephen Steinlight’s remarks.
Steinlight also said that John Boehner’s lawsuit against the president is a ‘political loser’ and claimed that while Obama deserves to be impeached, such an effort would backfire on Republicans.
CIS describes Steinlight as “one of the nation’s most insightful voices on immigration” who provides “expert testimony” for government panels.
"A rash of opinion polls which have come out, not push polls, real polls, including one by Gallup that showed that 65 percent of the American people don’t want any part of an Obama-style immigration reform. But the idea of this [lawsuit] is vintage Boehner, it’s a political loser. There is no court that is going to stop Obama from doing anything. We all know, if there ever was a president that deserved to be impeached, it’s this guy. Alright? I mean, I wouldn’t stop. I would think being hung, drawn, and quartered is probably too good for him."
While it’s my opinion this would be “cruel and unusual punishment” I’m sure it’s merely a figure of speech the gentleman is using and doesn't seriously want lynching to return. But on the other hand, we could just
‘Blame It On Obama” as Andre Williams says.
Not enough for rational human beings? Ok:
A while back Mr. Cruz stated: “I think the reason so many Americans are upset about the Obama presidency is that they realize this wasn’t possible before, and they wanted his presidency to be bigger than it is, you know, to do bigger things. And then you have others that appreciate history. If the slaves were never freed in the Civil War, you have to wonder, where would Obama be today? Certainly not the White House, not in the capacity he’s in. And you have some in America that think that might not be a bad thing. That he not be in office, I mean.”
Another Happy Negro kind of guy! Ya gotta love the pursed eyebrow schtick!
Ted Cruz displays his acting skills.
Ah, but it goes on:
Ann Coulter is up front with her racism when in response to Michelle Obama’s commencement speech at Tuskegee University, May 2015, proudly stated on Sean Hannity’s show — "I think she’s just letting out her Reverend Wright now.” The pundit proceeded to denounce the "predator class” in the black community and deny the existence of "peaceful protesters” in Baltimore...."Oh my gosh, this nonsense about, oh, so many blacks are in prison, well how did they get there?” Coulter asked later. "In addition to the peaceful Baltimore protester I want to put on a milk carton, — have you seen this? — I want to see the innocent person in prison.”
(Note: While people of color make up about 30 percent of the United States' population, they account for 60 percent of those imprisoned. The prison population grew by 700 percent from 1970 to 2005, a rate that is outpacing crime and population rates. March 13, 2012.)
Glenn Beck stated in response to the same speech she gave with "White people in droves went out to vote for you,” he said. "You were somehow invisible so much that you became the President and First Lady of the United States of America? Tell me about the troubles that you have seen!.” Beck then argued that conservatives and Christians were the real victims of bigotry: "The conservatives have never felt it! The jobs we are suddenly bypassed for because we’re conservative, because of our viewpoint. The religious that are mocked on a daily basis and belittled. Yeah, we’ve never felt that. We don’t know what it’s like.”
An excellent playing of the "Victim Card” the Republicans do over and over as well. 76% of Americans consider themselves "Christian” yet the Republicans consider them victims?
“Yes, the long war on Christianity. I pray that one day we may live in an America where Christians can worship freely! In broad daylight! Openly wearing the symbols of their religion... perhaps around their necks? And maybe – dare I dream it? – maybe one day there can be an openly Christian President. Or, perhaps, 43 of them. Consecutively.”—Jon Stewart
Maybe Ann and Glen should read the article in the Times Magazine from Sunday, May 10, 2015,
"Our Demand Is Simple: Stop Killing Us.”.
Would (did) they miss the killing part or are they really that clueless?
And continues:
In the June 19, 2015 article titled
“Why Conservatives Still Won't Admit That Charleston Was A Racist Crime,”
Aurin Squire makes several points on the sad excuses that Republicans used on the murders by Dylann Roof in Charleston, South Carolina. “Given the history of the South, along the rise of both active shooters and gun access, we can't call what happened Wednesday night a ‘senseless tragedy.’ In fact, the Charleston church shooting is full of savage sense. Thanks to complicity at best, and outright racist at worst, the ‘inconceivable’ is still feasible. The fear tactics that were once localized in the dark backwoods of our political landscape now reach every phone and laptop. Today, xenophobia and bigotry are the daily platforms from which many conservatives speak to their shrinking base. The Charleston shooting is not a random act of violence, but part of a long litany of history culminating in a painful present.”
From Mr. Roof’s Manifesto (as originally stated on Tumblr) :
Mr. Roof’s Tumblr had contained photos that matched his Facebook page, but both were taken down after the killings.
The essay uses defamatory terms for blacks, whom he accused of being “stupid and violent” with “the capacity to be very slick.” It laments white flight, and suggested that the whites should instead stay behind in cities and fight.
Criticisms are levied at Hispanics and Jews, but Asians are praised for being racists and potential allies. Whites are unfairly portrayed as all having been slave owners, the essay says. In reality, the author wrote, slavery was not that bad.
(Note: Charleston, SC is racially two-thirds white, up from 1980 when it was 50%)
And, on the Stars and Bars (their “Battle Flag” and not the first Confederate “national flag”) front (didn’t the Confederacy lose the war? Guess they never got over it and are still pissed).
Outrage vs. Tradition, Wrapped in a High-Flying Flag of Dixie
Supporters of the Confederate battle flag display signaled Friday that their position had not changed. In a commentary on Friday, Michael Hill, the president of the League of the South, which the Southern Poverty Law Center has listed as a hate group, said that the Confederate battle flag should remain at the State House but that the American flag should be removed.
The American flag, Mr. Hill wrote, “now stands for multiculturalism, tolerance and diversity — the left’s unholy trinity.” In “sharp contrast,” he wrote, the Confederate battle flag “stands for the heroic effort our people made 150 years ago to avoid the fate” of contemporary America.
In the same article, Senator Lindsey Graham (a Republican candidate for President of the United States) told CNN that he would support a move to “revisit” the flag’s status, but he added that the flag was part of the state’s identity.
(Identity? Guess he means Land of the Happy Negro.)
Seditious Oklahoma asshats are grabbing their share of “The Land of the Happy Negro.” “President Obama greeted by Confederate flags in Oklahoma” show these people are too ignorant to know what racism is. Only 80 of these asshats showed up but they still display their ignorance very well. Or was it only 10? Another link to the story is here. The asshat that drove up from Texas is talking to himself I suppose.
Then we have the good ol’ boys from the remnants of the KKK demanding their share of “The Land of the Happy Negro.” at the Statehouse in South Carolina. These fascists crawled out of the sewers to parade their little battle flags on Saturday, July 18, 2015. Oh, sorry, they weren’t protesting the uppity negroes, they were protesting the uppity immigrants. Old, sad, diminished, disgruntled white men and some younger skin heads were, indeed, demanding their share of the sweet sunny heritage (white supremacy) of the Confederacy. Ooops! Is that a swastika on that black T-shirt? Such class.
Book About George Washington’s ‘Happy’ Slaves Shelved - Yet another wistful yearner for the Land of the Happy Negro!
Don't overlook Land of the Happy Negro's Corey Stewart’s Confederate antics. LaCivita said. "Let the idiot be the idiot." Always the best strategy.
Virginia Lawmakers Pass Bill Allowing Confederate Monument Removals
Land of the Happy Negro stronghold joins 21st Century.
Donald Trump openly joined “The Land of the Happy Negro” on August 15, 2017. He confirmed that he is a white supremacist supporter. He wants to blame resistance to it. You cannot serve Nazis and liberty at the same time. His attempts at being the leader of the free world have failed miserably.
The events in Charlottesville
have unmasked him forever as the bigoted demagogue he is. “The Land of the Happy Negro” has, in a not-so-subtle way, declared war on the United States. We should acknowledge this war exists, the enemy is among us, and fight it with all the heart and soul of those who fought and died stamping out this very same fascism in World War II. That is now our task as we have a president that is so mindless and tyrannical that he doesn't know the difference between Thomas Jefferson and Robert E. Lee. That same civil war is upon us once again. Lest our nation collapse, let us not fail to settle it once and for all this time.
Worse Than Treason
No amount of rationalizing can change the fact that the majority of the Republican Party is advocating for the overthrow of an American election.
For those who have no idea what World War II has to do with anything:
The Chaplain's Speech to the troops in the 1949 WWII film Battleground
"Now it’s nearly Christmas, and here we are in beautiful Bastogne enjoying the winter sports. And the $64 dollar question is: ‘Was this trip necessary?’ I’ll try to answer that, but my sermons, like everything else in the Army, depend on the situation and the terrain. So I assure you this is gonna be a quickie! ‘Was this trip necessary?’ Well, let’s look at the facts. Nobody wanted this war but the Nazis. A great many people tried to deal with them, and a lot of ’em are dead. Millions have died for no other reason except that the Nazis wanted ’em dead. So, in the final showdown, there was nothing left to do except fight. There’s a great lesson in this. And those of us who’ve learned it the hard way aren’t gonna forget it. We must never again let any force dedicated to a super-race, or a super-idea, or super-anything become strong enough to impose itself upon a free world. We must be smart enough and tough enough in the beginning to put out the fire before it starts spreading. My answer to the $64 dollar question is, yes. This trip was necessary. As the years go by, a lot of people are gonna forget, but you won’t. And don’t ever let anybody tell you you were a sucker to fight in the war against fascism. And now, Jerry permitting, let us pray. Let us pray for this fog to lift. Almighty God. The organist is hitting those bass notes a little too loud for me to be heard. So let us each pray in his own way, to his own God."
As Gregg Popovich declared, "We are Rome."
From "The Holocaust Explained": Between 1929 and 1932, support for the Communist and Nazi parties increased. The less extreme parties were blamed for causing Germany's problems. As these parties had been unable to work together to solve country's problems, people became more afraid that the Communists may take over. The moderate parties turned to the Nazis to keep the Communists out.
President Obama said, "We are not Democrats first, we are not Republicans first, we are Americans."
Mr. President, from your first day they never gave you that courtesy so they will not get it from me.
We oppose everything
"EVERYTHING that goes wrong, from here on out, is owned by Trump and the Republicans."
When you have elected representatives stating that Trump is unqualified, bad for the country, ignorant of the issues, and other harsh criticisms also stating that they will back him as the Republican nominee, you have clear evidence of the rot that permeates the party. They are as corrupt and power-mad as their putative candidate. They—McCain, Ryan, McConnell and the rest of the toadies—demonstrate their hypocrisy and the fact that they put party power over the good of the nation.
D.L. Hughley put it in clear words, voting for Trump means "voting for a racist over a liberal." That is it, succinctly put. If you voted for Trump you have made a statement for racism, hatred, intolerance, bigotry, falsity, xenophobia, gynophobia, scapegoating and fraud. Refusal to vote for HRC does not absolve you from participation, because no vote as well as a third party vote is a vote for Trump in effect.
Let me get this straight. The "angry" American people want government out of their lives. Yet, they blame the government for forgetting about them for all the jobs that the middle-class has lost over the years. Huh? Their solution is to elect a fascist to office of POTUS. In this exchange you get a dictatorship. This has historically worked out well for how many countries? And the left get criticized for calling these people idiots? Many of these people vote against their best interest every time. What else can you call them when it is the truth?
End the Electoral College
National Popular Vote Interstate Compact
Why the hell should Florida, Ohio and a few other swing states rule our election process? We have not been 13 colonies for some time now.
I am not mad at you that Clinton lost. I am unconcerned that we have different politics. And I don't think less of you because you vote one way and I vote another.
No... I think less of you because you watched an adult mock a disabled person in front of a crowd and still supported him. I think less of you because you saw a man spouting clear racism and backed him. I think less of you because you listened to him advocate for war crimes, and still thought he should run this country. I think less of you because you watched him equate a woman's worth to her appearance and got on board.
It isn't your politics that I find repulsive. It is your personal willingness to support racism, sexism, and cruelty. You sided with a bully when it mattered and that is something I will never forget.
So, no... you and I won't be "coming together" to move forward or whatever. Trump disgusts me, but it is the fact that he doesn't disgust you that will stick with me long after this election.
—Sparrow R. Jones
You watched Trump live his entire life as a millionaire or billionaire and never earn an honest nickle in his life; you watched the man send ALL of his manufacturing overseas; you watched him rail against the auto industry bail out; you watched him hire illegal immigrants for his businesses and for his homes here in America; you watched him scam and bankrupt countless family owned businesses by not paying his bills; you watched him declare bankruptcy countless times and walk away with hundreds of millions of dollars; you then watched him not pay one dime of taxes on that ill gotten gain and brag about it to the middle class who had to pick up his slack on their taxes and you STILL thought that Donald Trump understands you and the working class and that he and he alone could "save our economy" and bring jobs back to "Murka".
And since you also believe that Bush left us with a strong and sound economy that Obama destroyed, I dislike you because you are a willful idiot.
Gaslighting: Know It and Identify It to Protect Yourself
Gaslighting is a manipulation tactic used to gain power. And it works too well.
"You have attracted people who are determined that ideology is more important than facts." — Ted Koppel to Sean Hannity 3/26/2017
“It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.” — Upton Sinclair
(Why do certain people vote against their best interest?):
"The masses revolt of their own accord, and they never revolt merely because they are oppressed. Indeed, so long as they are not permitted to have standards of comparison, they never even become aware that they are oppressed." — George Orwell, 1984
"We're closer to a nuclear war than we've been in 55 years because "someone" wanted to jail a woman for using email." — LOLGOP
"Fuck Trump.
Fuck his faux concern.
Fuck his half-assed apologies.
And fuck every POS who voted for this degenerate to lead our county."
—Caroline O. (@RVAwonk) tweeted at 5:52 PM on Sat, Aug 12, 2017
"Nazis are murdering people, farmers are going broke and the arctic is fucking melting. Maybe next time let's not hand the world's most difficult job to a toxic moron lost and wandering in a haze of dementia and untreated tertiary syphilis who can't even spell his own fucking name."
—Jeff Tiedrich@itsJeffTiedrich
Tweeted on Tue., Aug 6, 2019
"White people have nearly completely gone mad. Think about it. The people of VA voted for a republican candidate who's only platform is that he would save them from CRT and or the teaching of American History. CRT is a university level curriculum and is not taught on grade school levels. American history is impossible to teach without discussing slavery, the massacre and land theft of the first Nations. Since slavery starts with the country's formation, how do you teach American history without it? Do you start at the civil war? How do you explain why Americans were killing each other over "state's rights"? Rights to do what? Ok, maybe we teach the bible. But the setting of the Bible is in Africa and the middle east and slavery is discussed all through it. See what I mean. The battle against truth is the path to self termination on a macro scale."
— Real Truth stings 11/3/2021,
"Morality is doing right, no matter what you are told. Religion is doing what you are told, no matter what is right."
—H. L. Menken (1880 - 1956)
Directed to the asshats (and their species) who wear the "Makes A Great Asshat" at public places:
Scholar Matt Sears: Someday MAGA hats will be shameful secrets, like Klan robes (and swastikas)
Scholar and Washington Post columnist says those who wear MAGA hats are "morally accountable" for Trump's actions
Red Hat of the Red Death
"And Darkness and Decay and the Red Death held illimitable dominion over all."
"In October, 25 out of every 100,000 residents of heavily Trump counties died from Covid, more than three times higher than the rate in heavily Biden counties (7.8 per 100,000). October was the fifth consecutive month that the percentage gap between the death rates in Trump counties and Biden counties widened."
— NYT article by David Leonhardt
The Covid cull is doing as it is allowed to do.
“Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires.”
—Ronald Wright, A Short History of Progress
"It's odd. The same people who declare that wearing a mask is a 'personal choice,' are the SAME people who want to take away a woman's right to choose."
—E. Jean Carroll (@ejeancarroll)
Captain Beatty’s Speech
(For the 21st century book burners who think they make some sort of statement.)
"With school turning out more runners, jumpers, racers, tinkerers, grabbers, snatchers, fliers, and swimmers instead of examiners, critics, knowers, and imaginative creators, the word `intellectual,' of course, became the swear word it deserved to be. You always dread the unfamiliar. Surely you remember the boy in your own school class who was exceptionally 'bright,' did most of the reciting and answering while the others sat like so many leaden idols, hating him. And wasn't it this bright boy you selected for beatings and tortures after hours? Of course it was. We must all be alike. Not everyone born free and equal, as the Constitution says, but everyone made equal. Each man the image of every other; then all are happy, for there are no mountains to make them cower, to judge themselves against.
So! A book is a loaded gun in the house next door. Burn it. Take the shot from the weapon. Breach man's mind. Who knows who might be the target of the well-read man? Me? I won't stomach them for a minute...
You must understand that our civilization is so vast that we can't have our minorities upset and stirred. Ask yourself, What do we want in this country, above all? People want to be happy, isn't that right? Haven't you heard it all your life? I want to be happy, people say. Well, aren't they? Don't we keep them moving, don't we give them fun? That's all we live for, isn't it? For pleasure, for titillation? And you must admit our culture provides plenty of these ...
Coloured people don't like Little Black Sambo. Burn it. White people don't feel good about Uncle Tom's Cabin. Burn it. Someone's written a book on tobacco and cancer of the lungs? The cigarette people are weeping? Burn the book. Serenity, Montag. Peace, Montag. Take your fight outside. Better yet, into the incinerator. Funerals are unhappy and pagan? Eliminate them, too. Five minutes after a person is dead he's on his way to the Big Flue, the Incinerators serviced by helicopters all over the country. Ten minutes after death a man's a speck of black dust. Let's not quibble over individuals with memoriams. Forget them. Burn them all, burn everything. Fire is bright and fire is clean ...
Luckily, queer ones like her don't happen, often. We know how to nip most of them in the bud, early. You can't build a house without nails and wood. If you don't want a house built, hide the nails and wood. If you don't want a man unhappy politically, don't give him two sides to a question to worry him; give him one. Better yet, give him none. Let him forget there is such a thing as war. If the Government is inefficient, top-heavy, and tax-mad, better it be all those than that people worry over it...
Give the people contests they win by remembering the words to more popular songs or the names of state capitals or how much corn Iowa grew last year. Cram them full of non-combustible data, chock them so damned full of 'facts' they feel stuffed, but absolutely `brilliant' with information. Then they'll feel they're thinking, they'll get a sense of motion without moving. And they'll be happy, because facts of that sort don't change. Don't give them any slippery stuff like philosophy or sociology to tie things up with. That way lies melancholy. Any man who can take a TV wall apart and put it back together again, and most men can nowadays, is happier than any man who tries to slide-rule, measure, and equate the universe, which just won't be measured or equated without making man feel bestial and lonely. I know, I've tried it; to hell with it. So bring on your clubs and parties, your acrobats and magicians, your dare-devils, jet cars, motor-cycle helicopters, your sex and heroin, more of everything to do with automatic reflex. If the drama is bad, if the film says nothing, if the play is hollow, sting me with the theremin, loudly. I'll think I'm responding to the play, when it's only a tactile reaction to vibration. But I don't care. I just like solid entertainment."
— Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury, 1953
It's a conspiracy theory that they believe. What else?
Trump fascism will destroy south Texas and begin the destruction of the U.S..
A course most Americans should take.
The Gods that the "Christian" God displaced in America.
"God ordained our great nation"?
Upon reading a remark that was stated on Face Book that "America was ordained by God." I couldn't help but wonder which 'God' as there are so many. Of course, I knew to which "God" this person was referring. But the case of this country being ordained by "God" is a case that is wide open as you can see for yourself. The statement itself is not based on Biblical history as this is unprovable by actual historical events. It is, more likely, based on "educators" such as Rush Limbaugh or his like. Biblical history that is taught by accredited institutions will not dabble in "miracles" or claims which have no evidence.
The Discovery
In 1492 the natives discovered they were indians,
they discovered they lived in America,
they discovered they were naked,
they discovered there was sin,
they discovered they owed obedience to a king and queen
from another world and a god from some other heaven,
and this God had invented guilt and clothing,
and had ordered burned alive all who worshipped the sun and
the moon the earth and the rain that moistens it.
—Eduardo Galeano, from Children of the Days: A Calendar of Human History, 2013
“Slavery was never abolished, it was only extended to include all the colors.” — Charles Bukowski
Forgiving those who show no remorse is injustice. There will be no meeting Nazis halfway in the name of "unity."
"We are in the beginning of a mass extinction, and all you can talk about is money and fairy tales of eternal economic growth. How dare you!" — Greta Thunberg
"Maybe it's time for women to go on strike and stop having sex with men until this is straightened out. There are many other ways of enjoying your body, women, than sex with men. Who is willing to take the chance of getting pregnant and having a daughter to be abused by self-professed owners and handlers of her body? " — Luisa
"Atheisim is to religion as sobriety is to drunkeness" — unknown
"Faith is like fire. It can cook your dinner or it can burn down your home." — unknown
"R.I.P. America.
It was fun while it lasted.
1776-2024" —America, 2024
"So, the worst ranked US President, in American history, has been re-elected to the Presidency.
A man who murdered over 250,000 Americans, because he 'didn't want to panic them'.
A racist, a fascist, a misogynist, a sex offender, a multiple felon, and a Russian agent
This is straight out of the 'Twilight Zone'." —America 2024
"As Franklin said, 'It's a republic. If you can keep it'. We surrendered it." —America 2024.
On September 17th, FBI director Christopher Wray testified in front of the House Committee on Homeland Security. At that time, he stated that the biggest domestic terror threat the U.S. currently faces is from white supremacists. During his testimony, Wray never once mentioned Antifa or Black Lives Matter. Why? Because unlike the ignorant of this world, Wray knows the difference between hard facts and partisan propaganda.
Granted, the director of the FBI isn't nearly as credible a source as Tucker Carlson or Sean Hannity. Just ask any plumbing-supply salesman. Presenting certain people with facts is like giving medicine to a corpse.
During a recent pro-Trump demonstration in Washington, D.C., four members of the so-called "Proud Boys" ganged up on a Black man, who defended himself by pulling out a knife and stabbing his attackers. The right-wing media ran with the story, claiming this was a prime example of how Black Lives Matter is a violent terrorist network. Never mind that the man in question never claimed to support, much less belong to, BLM. Never mind also that conservatives claim to fully support the right to defend yourself. Clearly, they only extend that right to their brother and sister fascists.
Godwin's Rule of Nazi Analogies
Godwin's Law is fellacious. It is said to end all discussions when Hitler arrives. It denies Hitler as having any valid reality—it's just too simple to use, is what it implies. You only have to look at Hitler's atrocities to understand his reality. The idea that there could not be anything comparible or greater to Hitler is what I call "The Great Denial." We all know that is a river in Egypt. If you swim in it, you just get all wet.
I hereby invoke "The Law of Law." Nothing can be denied that is real. Reality isn't what you make of it. It is what reality makes of it and you.
I will now use the "Atilla the Hun" analogy and see if some egghead will declare that a law. As I have been told so many times by right-wingers, "I'm a little to the right of Atilla the Hun." So much for theories. "What is reality?" Let that be the wall.
Trump's drive to the Hamptons is over and there is no house there (Seinfeld fans will understand). It cost us a lot of money. It took a lot of time. But the son of a bitch is a walking dead man now. Many, many of us knew how this would end—not pretty—and it has not been. But this is the bitter end of the con man, the flim flam man, the megalomaniac that is Donald J. Trump. What happens to him next will be interesting to see. He cannot go without serious punishment. He must pay and pay dearly for his insurrection.
"There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that "my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge." — Isaac Asimov
‘This was intentional’: AOC blasts Republicans on IVF ruling
"But I want to be very clear that this was intentional and that this is exactly what Republicans have been going for. We've seen it. You have the Heritage Foundation, you have lots of folks who are on record saying, you know, not only do they want to go after abortion, not only do they want to go after reproductive freedom, they're going after IVF. They're going after contraception. And we have the mifepristone ruling that is coming down from the Supreme Court, and Clarence Thomas, enriching himself from the same folks who are saying that they are trying to control women's bodies quite explicitly.
And going beyond that, they also want to control recreation--what they call recreational sex. This is so clearly a patriarchal theocracy that has embodied itself in the DNA of an entire political party in the United States of America. And as women, and as any nonbinary and queer person in this country—they must be defeated. There should never be room for this kind of control by force over another person's body in this country.
And they can walk it back as much as they want. They have done this. Who put those judges there? Not Democrats, not independents. Republicans put those judges in there. Republicans are taking women's bodies by force and we cannot let them do it. It has to come to an end."
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Listen to or read who we are, America.
Remember, Trump doesn't like this sort of soldiering
This is required reading for a Nation in distress.
The Republican nominee’s preoccupation with dictators, and his disdain for the American military, is deepening.
This is Donald Trump, the Nazi traitor. Our country must reject him to survive the holocaust he will bring.
We can still throw the motherfuckers out!
You will see you're too stupid to realize it.
Liz Cheney to Donald Trump:
"Donald, this is not the Soviet Union. You can’t change the truth and you cannot silence us. Remember all your lies about the voting machines, the election workers, your countless allegations of fraud that never happened? Many of your lawyers have been sanctioned, disciplined or disbarred, the courts ruled against you, and dozens of your own White House, administration, and campaign aides testified against you. Remember how you sent a mob to our Capitol and then watched the violence on television and refused for hours to instruct the mob to leave? Remember how your former Vice President prevented you from overturning our Republic? We remember. And now, as you take office again, the American people need to reject your latest malicious falsehoods and stand as the guardrails of our Constitutional Republic — to protect the America we love from you." — Liz Cheney posted on Call to Activism.
“Trump has aspired to and achieved the ultimate luxury – an existence unmolested by the rumbling of a soul.” — Mark Singer, Trump and Me
“We don’t take an oath to a king, or queen, or a tyrant or a dictator. And we don’t take an oath to a wannabe dictator… we take an oath to the Constitution… and we’re willing to die to protect it.”
— Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman Mark Milley, at his retirement ceremony.
Moms to Trump: We want relief on child care costs
A new ad campaign by the organization Moms First comes as House Republicans consider gutting a tax credit that has long helped parents with child care expenses.
It's all about Trump first, ladies. Get used to being left behind.
FBI officials 'livid' after Kash Patel risked 'tragic results' by leaking hostage rescue
Just one more Trump traitor in our midst.
Pardoned Jan. 6 rioter now at large over allegation of soliciting a minor: report
Here's another dust biting candidate that Trump turned loose on society.
Pardoned Jan. 6 rioter shot dead while resisting arrest during traffic stop: police
Another one bites the dust. Doubt it will be the last.
What "law and order"? Trump's first week will only unleash more crime
Our felonious president can only benefit from a climate of fear and chaos — that's why he's eager for more
The Trump Crime Syndicate!
NY Post: “No Senator Should Vote For Lunatic” RFK
19 Red States Threaten Costco Over Diversity Policies
"Earlier this month Costco shareholders voted to reject an end to diversity policies upon the recommendation of the company’s board of directors."
Tell these racist Red Nazi dictators to go back to hell where they came from.
Google Maps Caves To Trump On “Gulf Of America”
Then just call Mexico, South Texas, assholes. You can't just rename everything on a fucking whim!
Sen. Mike Lee: Abolish TSA, “Let Airlines Do Screening”
Because it failed us before, dumbass. Remember 9/11?
Trump: Let’s Pay Other Countries To Jail US Criminals
Start with Trump.
Let's pay them to put his ass in stir.
Johnson Backs Trump On Disaster Aid For California: We Lost Three House Seats Due To “Lack Of Voter Security”
Fuck these swine Trump Nazis!
Trump Suspends GWB’s Anti-HIV PEPFAR Program
Trump's death count will be even higher this time. Consider the lost humanity he will cost the world.
Pure evil.
Here’s the insane reason Boebert thinks young people can’t get jobs
"The federal minimum wage has remained at $7.25 an hour since 2009. If someone worked 40 hours a week for all 52 weeks in the year and took no days off, they would only earn $15,080—a salary below the poverty line and impossible for anyone to live on. In Boebert's state of Colorado, the minimum wage is $14.81."
None dare call her insane? LMAO!
Northern Ontario MP Has Had It With Elon's Sh*t, Calls For Investigation
He's not too happy about Leon interfering in their elections.
Our allies must join our resistance.
How To Join The Resistance: 2025 Edition
"First, you’re never going to win a head on battle with an adversary that’s got you outgunned. That’s not the point of the Resistance. The point is to create friction, make it hard for your adversary to operate, to increase transaction costs.
Second, resistance doesn’t have to be a dramatic act. It can be a small act, like losing a sheet of paper, taking your time processing something, not serving someone in a restaurant. Small acts taken by thousands have big effects.
Third, use your privilege and access if you’ve got it. He and his buddies stole weapons from the Nazis by driving up with a truck to the weapons depot, speaking German, acting like it was a routine pick up, and driving away."
GOPer wants to reduce the penalty for cockfighting — and allow the birds to fight robots
Depravity takes over.
Apocalypse Now: Extreme interpretation of Christian nationalism now guides Pentagon policy
What other interpretation is possible other than "extreme"?
The failure continues.
Trump’s Second Term Spells Disaster for Endangered Ocean and Coastal Animals
"The re-election of Donald Trump has scientists and conservationists like me worried about the wildlife and wild places we’ve dedicated our lives to protecting. This is especially true for ocean and coastal natural resource management and endangered species conservation, given Trump’s ongoing rhetoric."
We All Lose in Trump’s War Against Trans Americans
"As McBride put it, Trump “just declared everyone a woman.” While such jests alone cannot contravene the flood of transphobia now spewing from the White House, it can be a spirit-lifting spark of resistance; laughing in the face of evil can have a powerful effect. And it’s surely much better than supine silence or trying to out-hate the haters."
The Only ‘American President’ Trump Resembles Is Jefferson Davis
"Like the Confederacy’s leader, Trump’s agenda is civil war."
'Follow the money': Analyst connects the dots on Trump's 'radical' new foreign policy
Dear leader and his greed at work.
Dozens of People Died in Arizona Sober Living Homes as State Officials Fumbled Medicaid Fraud Response
"At least 40 Native American residents of sober living homes and treatment facilities in the Phoenix area died as state Medicaid officials struggled to respond to a massive fraud scheme that targeted Indigenous people with addictions.
The deaths, almost all from drug and alcohol use, span from the spring of 2022 to the summer of 2024, according to a review of records from the Maricopa County Office of the Medical Examiner. Over half died as officials ignored calls to address lax oversight later shown to have contributed to thousands of patients being recruited into sham treatment programs.
Patients continued to die even after Arizona officials in May 2023 announced a sweeping investigation of hundreds of facilities. By then, the fraud was so widespread that officials spent the next year seeking to halt Medicaid reimbursements to behavioral health businesses accused of wrongdoing."
What Other Nations Have to Say About Trump’s Paris Withdrawal
"The US now joins only a handful of failed or war-torn states, including Libya, Iran and Yemen, in rejecting the 2015 accord. While the US has long been one of the world’s top two biggest sources of greenhouse gas emissions—along with China—its significance has diminished as developing countries rapidly increase their share of global carbon output."
'Delusional mythology': Hard lessons ahead for Trump supporters because they don’t understand capitalism
"One delusional mythology about American capitalism that has been instilled in We the People is that we somehow have a guaranteed right to prosperity," Logis writes. "This imaginary right has been deployed by politicians who are afraid of educating their constituents about how our model of commerce actually works…. With due respect to the many Americans who voted for Donald Trump, their overwhelming sense of entitlement dwarfs that of the hard-working immigrants who cut their grass, scrub pots and pans in the restaurants they frequent, and care for their kids and elderly loved ones."
Confusing the educated with the morons?
The terrifying signs of 'collective stress' in Trump’s America
"Most people who voted for Trump under the mistaken belief that he would improve their lives and 'restore' the nation have no experience living under autocratic or authoritarian regimes. They perhaps voted to 'shake things up' and believed they were supporting a leader who will 'break the rules' to 'get things done.' That will turn out to be a Faustian bargain. While the MAGA are likely to feast on the proverbial fat of the land, the rank and file will be feasted upon like everyone else."
No shit, Dick Tracy?
'Buyer's remorse': Working-class Latinos who backed Trump risk punch in the pocketbook
Oh, so sorry. You were warned.
'Trump taxes Americans to retaliate': Outrage as President makes Americans 'pay even more'
He's one pouty little bastard.
Labor Dept Ends Job Discrimination Investigations
More Trump failure.
Kansas Sees Largest Tuberculosis Outbreak In History
"An ongoing tuberculosis outbreak in Kansas has become the largest in recorded history in the United States."
Trump's failure is just getting started, Amerika.
PA Official Resigns After Copying Musk’s Nazi Salute
Nazis? Just say nein!
Texas Teacher Invites ICE To Raid His High School
Turncoats in Texas.
Try teaching them to speak and comprehend English.
WSJ Board: Kennedy Is “Dangerous To Public Health”
Kennedy = cancer.
Brazil Furious After Deportees Arrive Handcuffed
More disdainful disgrace of America as Trump remains clueless and careless.
Bill Gates says he thinks it's 'insane' that Elon Musk is allowed to 'destabilize' politics in other countries
OMG! He used the "insane" word! Isn't it forbidden to say now?
Cartoon: The mad king's court
Is America great yet?
'It's So Obvious What He Was Doing': Fox's Kilmeade Carries Water For Musk's Nazi Salute
Fox's Brian Kilmeade and Charly Arnolt served up a big heaping helping of whataboutism and false equivalences while lying about Musk's multiple Nazi salutes at Trump's inauguration last week.
None dare call it treason. Don't forget it.
Trump in for rude awakening as some Republicans less than enthusiastic about his agenda: report
Sure. They will still fall into line as they are minus a spine.
The Men Who Would Be Kings: Truth by Decree, Lies Beyond Counting, Reality by Fiat.
"Hey friends and neighbors, ladies and germs, have you heard the latest? Drunken sub-mediocrity in as Secretary of Defense. ICE on the march. No more money to Ukraine. North Dakota puppy killer as head of Homeland Security. And the beat goes on. It can be hard to keep up, but President Trump has been busy signing a big stack of presidential orders or decrees. Among his imperial proclamations, he’s corrected a longstanding misunderstanding. To wit: there are only two genders. Period. And if you have to ask just what those genders are, you’re obviously one of the problems he’s just fixed. But will you thank him for clearing things up for ya? Chubby chance of that."
'So, grocery prices aren't going to come down?' CBS host busts J.D. Vance on the economy
ROTFLMAO! How many fools thought that would happen?
'Not really worried': Lindsey Graham admits Trump broke law to hire 'loyalists' watchdogs
"We are all crooks," says Lindsey. "And proud of it!"
Air Force Axes Lessons About Tuskegee Airmen
"Lesson plans about the Tuskegee Airmen, groundbreaking Black pilots known for their service during World War II, and the Women Airforce Service Pilots, or WASPs, the female World War II pilots who were vital in ferrying warplanes for the military, have been removed from the U.S. Air Force curriculum, a U.S. official confirmed on Saturday to CBS News."
The Ministry of Truth takes over. Happy now, Amerika?
The swine.
We Aren't Being Told the Real Extent of AI Datacenter Emissions
And why would they want anyone to know?
The stunning real story behind Trump's first week
"The New York Times describes Trump as leading “a global wave of hard-line conservative populism.”
What Trump is undertaking has nothing whatever to do with conservatism, which is about conserving institutions and shrinking the size of government. And it has nothing to do with populism, which is about confronting elites.
Trump is leading a move to replace democracy with oligarchy.
He’s implementing a plan to make the wealthiest people in America far wealthier and more powerful, including Trump himself, and to turn American democracy into a giant corporation run by a handful of absurdly rich men.
He thinks he can accomplish this by getting the rest of us so angry at one another — over immigration, LGBTQ+ rights, abortion, diversity, and the like — that we don’t look upward and see where most of the wealth and power have gone.
Trump’s divisive policies will cause great harm, to be sure, and we must do everything we can to protect those who are vulnerable to them. But his cruel divisiveness is deflecting attention from the main event...."
Happy crap coming at us from people on the Left who should know better isn't helping
"So let me get at the nut of what is frying my ass this afternoon in the wake of that piece, and the bloody hell that has in fact been coming at us in a torrent the past 48 hours:
All of this complete horses---I am seeing from many people I respect telling us to stay calm — that all this was to be expected.
While I believe this is coming from a genuine place of goodness, it is bordering on gaslighting.
So let me tell you something, dammit: Anybody telling you to stay calm just because 'all this was to be expected' is either a damn fool, or lying to themselves and you, because NONE of them have been through a transition like this in America.
All this 'stay calm, all this was to be expected' stuff might be easy on the ears, but it is impossible to digest.
We are in deep, deep trouble right now, patriots, and it is not only OK to say that, it is paramount we do. We might yet get through all of this, but that won’t mitigate for one damn minute all the trouble and pain people are in RIGHT NOW."
Voters reveal 'giant divide' over Trump’s early moves: 'I wish he would use more discernment'
Six days into Donald Trump's second presidency, his voters are displaying "a giant divide" when it comes to how swiftly the MAGA leader is working to bring his campaign promises to life, according to CNN.
The news outlet is making efforts to follow the nearly 100 voters who agreed to be a part of CNN's "'All Over The Map' project, an effort to track the 2024 campaign through the eyes and experiences of voters who live in swing states or are part of critical voting constituencies."
CNN's goal, according to the report, is to gauge whether the MAGA administration loses or gains support over the next few monthsfrom both Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris voters.
They've got the sadz?
Newly discovered photos of Nazi deportations show Jewish victims as they were last seen alive
"The Holocaust was the first mass atrocity to be heavily photographed.
The mass production and distribution of cameras in the 1930s and 1940s enabled Nazi officials and ordinary people to widely document Germany’s persecution of Jews and other religious and ethnic minorities."
'They’re lying': MSNBC host grills senator on Dems’ struggle to resist Trump nominees
Speaking with Senator Lisa Blunt Rochester (D-DE) on Sunday morning, Steele said, "From my perspective, senator, the three nominees are up this week are wholly unqualified.The reality that we have now in front of us is someone who is a threat to our national security, in Tulsi Gabbard, someone who's a threat to our homeland security, in Kash Patel, and someone who's a threat to our health, in RFK Jr."
"Some have said, 'Oh, yes, I will speak up. I will follow the law," the senator replied.
"They're lying," Steele shot back.
Damn straight.
We’ve built a collective of newsrooms you can trust
In one year, The 19th News Network has grown from 25 members to 102. And we’re just getting started.
'Killed an American': Expert puts Trump on notice over President causing 'serious damage'
Trump's atrocities will continue until the world puts an end to him.
Trump's opening assault shows that Republicans want trans people "out of public life entirely"
Republicans in Washington are a following a playbook for "anti-trans extremism," advocates say
The death camps aren't far behind.
WHO To Slash Health Programs Due To US Withdrawal
Our future and our children's future are now far less secure with this Trump blunder.
Musk Addresses AfD Rally: “Multiculturalism Dilutes Everything, Move Beyond Past Guilt” About The Nazis
Nazi addresses Nazis to tell them they are fine with their legacy of atrocious murdering.
The day we disregard the sins of our fathers is the day we die.
One Million Moms Vs “Destructive, Damaging” Dunkin’
These "Xianaist" assholes hate themselves so much.
"By my count, this this Monica’s 16th fucking rant about implied fucking profanity in the last fucking year and the minute I fucking saw Dunkin’s fucking commercial, I knew Monica would fucking scream."
What the fuck?
DeSantis Seeks To Effectively Ban Ballot Initiatives
Another cheap Nazi dictator violating Americans rights. Tar and feather him and ride him out of town on a rail!
DeSantis: Framers Of The 14th Amendment Didn’t Intend To Grant Citizenship To Children Of “Illegals”
DipShitus can get fucked!
Christian Nationalism In Power
A cartoon for January 26, 2025
Petty Little Whiny Titty Baby Yanks Fauci's Security Detail
It's almost as if he's putting a hit out on Fauci.
Donald Is A Petty, Classless, Inferior, Damaged Old Man>
A disgusting chicken shit.
“We Don’t Fret, We Fight,” Immigrant Rights Activists Say After ICE Raid in NJ
Federal agents with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement carried out a warrantless raid on Thursday targeting a local establishment in Newark, New Jersey, according to Newark Mayor Ras Baraka — who decried the move as an “an egregious act” in violation of the of the U.S. constitution.
Federal agents detained both undocumented residents and citizens, including a U.S. military veteran, Baraka said in a statement Thursday.
The local outlet PIX11 reported that ICE agents targeted the Ocean Seafood Depot, a wholesale seafood distributor. Store owner Luis Janota told the outlet that three people were taken into custody, including a Puerto Rican employee who is a military veteran. People from Puerto Rico have U.S. citizenship.
'We don’t fret, we fight,' wrote the New Jersey Alliance for Immigrant Justice, which is distributing materials to inform community members about their rights."
By Dehumanizing Others, Trump Makes Sure We Remain Our Own Worst Enemies
"Trump is claiming the power and authority to dehumanize whom he wants, e.g., the country’s 11 million 'illegals,' whom he wants to turn into deportees. In the process, he is making sure that we remain our own worst enemies. If Americans hate most of the planet beyond their borders—and go to war with it—they are creating the very reality they fear. They are creating, or continuing to create, hell on Earth. Those who see the irony in this—linking, for instance, 'Christian' with 'white' and 'nationalist'—must once again take that first step, beyond the worst of who we are, into a future that values all of us."
Ridin' With Kerry: A Letter to the Editor In a Red State
"Two friends I've picked up through the Chimp are a couple in Indiana, not necessarily the most comfortable place for non-Trump people to express their opinions. And it's not only red states. Fear is palpable now most everywhere. Times like these tend to shut down all kinds of freedoms. Trump and his posse of oligarchs and January 6 thugs are attempting to intimidate and suppress free speech. We can't let that happen."
'This is what they voted for': Red state voters mocked on MSNBC after new Trump proposal
"All of those states." Steele agreed. "Then we get into tornado alley. Those states: Ohio, Iowa ––so y'all going to be prepared to just have the federal government just go away in terms of its response and leave it to you? I just want to know how they're going to pay for it."
"How are they going to pay for it?" his co-host repeated. "Well, you know, Michael, you know, they say this is what this is what they voted for."
"This is what they voted for," repeated her colleague.
Dystopian disaster is what they voted for.
'Hit him back twice as hard': Canadian leader puts Trump on notice over threats
With a brickbat.
'Let them choke on that': Michael Steele delivers blunt game-plan to derail the GOP
"Congresswoman, I know we're getting ready to let you go, but I just want to say this: y'all need to chill on this, all this kumbaya partisan bi-partisan crap," Steele told the laughing McBride.
Reading from an NBC report, he continued, "Because at the end of the day, here's your headline: 'Republicans shoot down Democratic requests to ditch party line immigration, push and write a bipartisan bill instead. Senate Republicans are making it clear they will pursue a border package without Democratic input.'"
"They don't want to work with you, they're not going to work with you," he lectured. "They have the House, the Senate and the White House. Let them choke on that."
'Stupid': Trump's team warned they are about to make a 'massive mistake'
A mistake about to take place. That is Trump and his crime gang.
'Enemy of the people!' Trump rages at Rachel Maddow in middle of the night attack
When a cancer shows up it must be eliminated.
Over 100,000 pounds of frozen chicken products have been recalled due to undeclared allergens
Pouches of Yats Drunken Chicken were distributed to 11 Yats restaurants in Indiana
Our failing world.
Trump Illegally Fires Overseers Of 12 Major Agencies
The Trump Crime Syndicate at work, fucking over Americans.
'Despicable': Trump’s 'extremist rightward fascist march' condemned by ex-Republican staffer
"Folks better make a decision whether or not they’re committed to stopping this extremist rightward fascist march the country is on under Donald Trump and who he’s surrounded by," Setmayer told the Guardian.
It appears Amerika has chosen to become a Nazi nation.
'So little planning': Experts mock Trump after Mexico refuses to let deportation flight land
"And as the Washington Post reported in December, countries refusing to cooperate with Trump could throw a wrench in the gears of his mass deportation plans."
The world hates Trump. It will be a rough period for us all to survive the mean motherfuckers.
'Stupid': Trump's team warned they are about to make a 'massive mistake'
A mistake about to take place. That is Trump and his crime gang.
'Enemy of the people!' Trump rages at Rachel Maddow in middle of the night attack
When cancer shows up it must be eliminated.
Over 100,000 pounds of frozen chicken products have been recalled due to undeclared allergens
Pouches of Yats Drunken Chicken were distributed to 11 Yats restaurants in Indiana
Our failing world.
Trump Illegally Fires Overseers Of 12 Major Agencies
The Trump Crime Syndicate at work, fucking over Americans.
'Despicable': Trump’s 'extremist rightward fascist march' condemned by ex-Republican staffer
"Folks better make a decision whether or not they’re committed to stopping this extremist rightward fascist march the country is on under Donald Trump and who he’s surrounded by," Setmayer told the Guardian.
It appears Amerika has chosen to become a Nazi nation.
'So little planning': Experts mock Trump after Mexico refuses to let deportation flight land
"And as the Washington Post reported in December, countries refusing to cooperate with Trump could throw a wrench in the gears of his mass deportation plans."
The world hates Trump. It will be a rough period for us all to survive the mean motherfuckers.
'We Have Seen a Lot More Hate’: Trans People Are Already Terrified
"After Trump signed a sweeping executive order directed against trans people this week, trans and nonbinary people are scared of what happens next."
And they are not alone in that respect.
The Great Revenge: Trump’s Orwellian America Takes Shape
Get ready for investigations, arrests, and show trials of the people who’ve tried to hold Trump accountable for his crimes and traitorous behavior
Tidbits and Factoids from the Current Issue of Harper’s Magazine
There’s a Chinese proverb that says “it’s a curse to live in interesting times.”
Times rarely get more interesting than these.
And what a curse these times are.
Too dark? Cheer up. As an old history teacher colleague of mine used to say, "it's always darkest just before it goes totally black."
Republicans (Fascists) have discovered 'the easiest way to unravel democracy': analysis
"First up is House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA), who simply said that Trump made a decision and that he stood by whatever decision Trump makes.
"That’s the authoritarian spirit," comments Saletan. "No matter what the leader does, his allies fall in line."
Trump’s War on DEI Opens the Door to Jim Crow’s Return
"It’s bad enough that Trump and his advisers believe the official discrimination against Black people that characterized U.S. laws and politics from the founding of the Republic until the 1960s is not a problem worth addressing anymore. It’s even worse to claim that the only way to prevent discrimination is to get rid of any effort to address it. That way lies a return to white supremacy in the guise of color-blind “meritocracy.” And it’s also a terrible trend for the women and LGBTQ+ folk who have benefited from the same laws and policies as they were extended into the 21st century."
Welcome to The Land of the Happy Negro!
Donald Trump and the Return of Ransom-Note Politics
"For Trump, this simple power dynamic is built into his central policy proposal this year: crippling tariffs against Canada, China, Mexico, and any other country that crosses him. For rank-and-file citizens, tariffs represent a threat to their cost of living, by potentially jacking up the price of just about everything. But to large corporations, the arrangement is more straightforward: It’s basically a ransom demand. In theory, tariffs apply to everyone in a given sector, but the government can issue exemptions. Who gets exemptions? Who do you think? A recent study in the Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis found a correlation between political support and the granting of tariff exemptions—and conversely, that companies that had politically opposed the administration were more likely to have their requests denied."
Prosecutor Who Jailed Capitol Rioters Warns Trump Pardons Unleashed a Loyal Militia: ‘They Have Never Been More Dangerous’
Trump and his private militia is a threat to our country. Never before have we permitted a threat like this to exist in a free democracy.
Maggie Haberman Says Trump ‘Clearly Targeting People’ He Sees ‘As Enemies’ In First Days Of New Term
Which is anyone that refuses to kiss his ass.
‘New Low!’ WSJ Editorial Board Slams Trump For Stripping Security Protection For Bolton, Pompeo
"Wall Street Journal editorial board slammed President Donald Trump’s decision to revoke Secret Service protection for several former aides as a “vindictive whim” that constituted a “new low” – arguing that the officials face documented threats from Iran."
In America’s news deserts, Meta’s retreat from fact-checking severs a last link to fact-based news
Meta's policy reversal and increase in political content could mean more misinformation for communities lacking local news
The destruction that comes with fascism.
‘I’m just trying to be good at my job’: Transgender troops brace for decision on military ban
West Point graduate Alivia Stehlik is one of thousands whose military careers are in jeopardy.
The damage of hate from the Trump tyranny.
Hapless' Trump has 'gone all 19th century on us' — and he'll fail: conservative
But not before he takes America down with him.
Trump press secretary hid over $300k in debt tied to 'inappropriate donations': report
The corruption of the crime syndicate now in charge.
'Trump wants you to die': Nobel Prize-winning economist makes prediction about what's next
The feeling is mutual I can assure him.
"So my prediction — which I hope proves false — is that when NIH and other health agencies emerge from the current freeze they will have been emasculated and politicized, prohibited from releasing information and research whose implications the Trump administration doesn’t like, banned from making policy recommendations that are inconvenient for Trump or at odds with the prejudices of the MAGA base," he warned. "And many Americans will die as a result."
Donald Trump is not waiting for RFK Jr. — he has already started his war on public health
RFK's hearing hasn't even started yet and the White House has already attacked vaccines, birth control and the WHO
"All this might seem like esoteric policy to most Americans, but it's tied to an anti-health agenda that could dramatically impact millions of people's ability to get even basic health care."
"The talk about healthy eating will almost certainly not translate into helping people access better food. It'll just be an excuse to blame people's "lifestyles" when public health declines on Kennedy's watch."
The Grim Reaper is coming for all of us, sooner not later, with "Dr. Death" Kennedy.
GOP Resolution Would Allow Trump A Third Term
Trump “has proven himself to be the only figure in modern history capable of reversing our nation’s decay and restoring America to greatness, and he must be given the time necessary to accomplish that goal,” said Rep. Andy Ogles of Tennessee, who proposed extending the current maximum of two elected terms.
What drug is he on? Deluded. That's a bad one.
Watters: What Kind Of Husband Shops With His Wife?
The idiot has lived a sheltered life. He should get away from his mommy once in a while.
Meta Suspends Accounts Of Abortion Pill Providers
Screw META!
Boebert And Mace Stormed US Capitol Ladies Room To “Catch” Sarah McBride Inside But It Was Someone Else
Busybody prudes should tend to real problems and stop making trouble.
Sooner or later the Nazis will use violence as a solution on anyone they suspect is "gay."
Natl Construction Industry Trade Group Raises Alarm
Trump is so smart that he will cost Americans beaucoups of bucks.
Kook who said there are too many gays on TV will lead government agency
One gay is too many, right you jerk?
MAGAts Ready To Slash Safety Net To Make Orange Daddy Love Them
They'll fight to the death to give households making $450,000 those extended tax cuts. To pay for that, they want to tax scholarships!
Here comes the big Trump fucking, America!
GOP rep proposes 'third term' constitutional amendment for Trump: report
Of course the Nazi Party will get to a life appointment before this all comes to a bitter ending.
'Disaster': Experts warn Trump milking the presidency 'on the backs of the American taxpayer'
In his second and final term, President Donald Trump is still carrying on his multiple money-making ventures while occupying the White House. Now, ethics experts are warning that the second Trump administration could be rife with corruption."
“Trump is taking on new conflicts in real time,” former Obama White House ethics attorney Norm Eisen told CNN. “It’s a recipe for an ethics disaster."
Antisemitism 'Foe' Elise Stefanik Insists Musk Didn’t Use Nazi Salute
"Sorry, hon, but you sound like a bank robber’s pal saying he couldn’t have robbed a bank because you’ve seen him at many banks he didn’t rob."
CBS58 Fires Meterologist After She Criticizes Elon's Salute
As fascism takes over America.
"Look, a private business such as a tv station can fire someone for breaching the terms of their contract, in this case, posting something controversial on her own Instagram page. But it's a very bad look for CBS58, to say the least, to fire someone immediately for criticizing Elon Musk's nazi salute. A suspension might have been more appropriate with a stern letter of warning.
This is the era we live in though, where nazi gestures are accepted unequivocally and those who speak out risk their livelihoods."
The dystopia descends. Tribulation has arrived.
Fascist: “MSNBC Shouldn’t Have Right To Broadcast”
Only a Nazi would attempt to end our free press. Stop his fascism now.
STUDY: 266,000 Young LGBTQs Have Fled Red States
"A new report estimates that roughly 266,000 LGBTQ+ young people and their families have uprooted their lives and left a state because of anti-LGBTQ politics or laws. It is also detailing in stark relief the positive outcomes on the health and wellbeing of LGBTQ youth that state lawmakers can have when enacting policy."
Trump’s Definitions of “Male” and “Female” Are Nonsense Science With Staggering Ramifications
Who expects a blithering idiot to know shit from applebutter?
Hang the J6 Pardons Around Trump’s Neck
And stretch it.
"The size and speed of the Trump ocean liner is impressive. But it seems to me to be barreling towards some icebergs. The loudspeakers aboard are boasting at top volume of all that is being accomplished. But one wonders whether, below the surface, Trump’s ship isn’t beginning to take on some water."
Let it sink and stay there for eternities.
Presidential Payola: The Evolution of Political Bribery
How $TRUMP coins create a cash funnel for influence and foreign meddling.
"But for some people there’s just never enough money."
A Few Profiles in Courage: Notice a Pattern?
"But maybe this example provided by a courageous woman will inspire people who wish to think themselves Christians, and lots of men who would like to think they have conscience and conviction, to stand up, too. Nancy Pelosi (see picture above) stood up in a roomful of men during Trump’s first term, rising to speak truth to power, chastising Trump in a room packed with silent men. She was the only person in the room with the balls to do so. Cecil Richards and her mom showed much same courage and character down in Texas where too few men rise up in opposition to creeps like Gregg Abbott, Ted Cruz or so many other cowards who do a sorry-ass imitation of courage by bullying desperate young pregnant women or little Mexican kids, modeling to other Americans how they think real men ought to behave.
What they do instead is go disgrace Americans, and the meaning of manhood in general."
Trump Budget Nominee Says He’s Proud of Legislation That Doubled Extreme Poverty
"President Donald Trump’s pick to lead the Office of Management and Budget told lawmakers Wednesday that he’s “proud” of the impacts of Clinton-era welfare reform, a Republican-backed legislative change that doubled extreme poverty by stripping government support from some of the nation’s most vulnerable people — including children with disabilities."
Swine pride.
Opposition Leader Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: 'In This Country We Hate Nazis.'
"You know, because some Democrats think they can Work Together with Republicans on Common Sense Solutions facing All Americans, even while keeping their hands clean from the more unsavory things the Nazis are doing.
Ooh! Ooh! Maybe this time the Republicans will let a Democrat pick which white woman to name the bill after! Or maybe they can each name one of the buildings in the first concentration camp!
These useless motherfuckers."
And don't forget it!
Ha Ha. We're In Danger! Tabs, Thurs., Jan. 23, 2025
"House Speaker Mike Johnson says you can’t “look backwards” at who attacked whom on January 6. Then he orders up an investigation into the congressional committee that investigated January 6. (Politico) Trump probably shouldn’t have pardoned this Idaho woman who says she is sorry she was in his 'cult' and thankful that the Capitol Police protected her from her fellow tourists that day. (Idaho Statesman) Even Trump’s Washington field office is arresting this pardoned J6er who threw an explosive into a tunnel of cops? Woke. (Politico)"
This and more comments on swine here.
Nashville School Shooter: “Candace Owens Influenced Me Above All On Violence Over The Jewish Question”
If we want to deport someone let's start with this trash.
Trump's 'Honeymoon' Is OVER
Trump seems hellbent on jamming through some wildly unpopular promises. Huh.
The perfect asshole. A bad example of a so-called human.
Danish EU MP Has Blunt Message For Trump
“Let me put it in words you might understand,” he said. “Mr. Trump, fuck off!”
Thanks. I couldn't have said it better!
Jan 6th Insurrectionist Pardoned By Trump Rearrested Less Than 1 Day Later
This won't be the last insurrectionist rearrested.
Only an idiot traitor would pardon terrorists.
Is Pete Hegseth’s Nomination In Danger Again, Or Are These Latest Allegations Also Totally Fine?
Absolutely. With the Trump trash piles.
"If you watched Pete Hegseth’s confirmation hearing, you saw a bunch of Republican senators fawning all over the creeper with the Crusades tattoos who gives all the white supremacist Christian extremists little stiffies underneath their little LARPing outfits."
The Plantation Politics of MAGA America: Is This the Future We Want?
Restoring power to the richest, whitest men in the room. How long can democracy survive under Trump’s iron grip?
"Welcome to your first full day in the new Confederate States of America."
Many of us wish to live in The Land of the Happy Negro. Thanks for the nod, Thom.
The Day of the Locusts: Just Another Monday in America
"You don’t have to be a cynic to arrive at the conclusion that bullshit and money are both pretty damn powerful. If you watched any of the folderol yesterday, you saw rich, powerful, and almost exclusively white folk celebrating Trump, themselves, and the triumph of money and bullshit, all on full and naked display. The power increases exponentially when money and bullshit throw in together to form an alliance. And there it was, gloating, preening, fawning, and genuflecting.
A skip and a hop through history provides ample evidence of how the money/bullshit alliance has served to keep the powerless quiescent. It has consistently made serfs and peasants of most of us, turning far too many into frightened people who support their oppressors as bullshit does so much to maintain wealth and power for the many, and misery for the masses."
Where the Right-Wing Campaign Against Birthright Citizenship Comes From—and Why It’s Wrong
"EASTMAN AND HIS COMRADES at the Claremont Institute base their theory upon an interpretation of a particular phrase in the Fourteenth Amendment: 'All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.' The claim is that the word 'jurisdiction' really means 'allegiance'; children born to illegal aliens here in the United States owe their allegiance to whatever country their parents are from.
But America has never recognized the doctrine of enforced allegiance. We actually went to war with Great Britain over this. In the 1790s, British warships began boarding American vessels and impressing Americans into the Royal Navy. Britain did not recognize American naturalization. Once an Englishman, always an Englishman.
America rejected Britain’s claim."
GOP serving 'broligarchs' and doing 'nothing to bring down grocery prices': Jamie Raskin
"Rep Jamie Raskin (D-MD) unleashed on the GOP for pandering to tech 'broligarchs' and using immigration as a smokescreen to distract from President Trump's actions since he took the oath of office Monday.
In his statement during Wednesday's hearing on immigration enforcement, Raskin slammed the House GOP for enabling Trump's stunts by promoting 'tiny little messaging bills' that accomplished nothing."
What esle can we expect from a dumb criminal but nothing? Someone missed the meaning did they?
'Blood, feces, and terror': Judge Chutkan buries Trump-pardoned Capitol rioters
American patriot exposes Trump crimes.
DOJ To Prosecute Officials Who Resist Deportations
The dictator continues to dictate.
Homocon Dave Rubin Rages At “Retarded” Podcaster For Pointing Out That Rubin Was Paid By The Kremlin
The state of communication levels in the good ol' USA.
Trump Revokes LBJ’s Landmark 1965 Civil Rights Order
Revoke Trump. Resist Trump. Stop racism. Stop Trump.
We are living in a tinder box.
Christian School Teacher Jailed On Child Sex Charges
Another one bites the dust.
Michele Bachmann: There Was No Violence On Jan 6
In fact there was no January 6 that year. It was pre-empted.
Newly Freed Rioter Rearrested On Federal Gun Charge
Shocking! I say, absolutely shocking.
Trump's private militia trash.
Two Students Dead In Nashville School Shooting
So many of us love the solution of the gun.
Pro-Hitler Host: Execute Those Who “Set Up Jan 6”
The Nazis out to kill us.
Politico: Violent Rioters Will Commit More Violence
All in the name of a crooked con man.
Trump world and conservative media continue to rewrite Jan. 6 history
Conservative commentators who previously denounced that day’s violence are suddenly singing a different tune
Hypocrite swine.
All the President’s Lies
"Traditional media coverage of Donald Trump‘s second inauguration was so obsequious and so normalizing that the average news consumer could easily have missed the essential fact that almost everything he said was a lie.
His inaugural address was full of lies, from beginning to end, based on the false premise that the country is in a shambles and needs to be rescued.
Then impeach him now. He's the shambles.
What a new ICE directive on ‘sensitive zones’ could mean for domestic violence victims
Trump's Department of Homeland Security removed its policy on places protected from deportation, including women's shelters, schools and churches.
I heard ICE raided Mar-a-Lago and sent 90% of the staff back to Mexico.
Trump's "shock and awe" campaign hits the wrong targets
Republicans scramble to defend Donald Trump's shocking decision to pardon nearly 1,500 Jan. 6 rioters
The human waste brought it on themselves.
Elise Stefanik: Israel Has “Biblical Right” To West Bank
Another zealot fascist that believes horse shit.
Trump Moves To Terminate All Federal Diversity Staff
Racist Nazi will terminate all human rights.
Trump Apparently Shutters WH Gun Violence Office
Dispicable and irresponsible evil.
Trump Slips In Dangerous Anti-Abortion Language Into Executive Order
...Monday night included one that cemented language at the executive level to delegitimize transgender identities. But within the fold of that order, titled "Defending Women From Gender Ideology Extremism And Restoring Biological Truth To The Federal Government," lay another damaging detail: the elevation of fetal personhood to the national stage.
"'Female' means a person belonging, at conception, to the sex that produces the large reproductive cell," the order reads in part. "'Male' means a person belonging, at conception, to the sex that produces the small reproductive cell."
"Unfortunately, there seems to be a misunderstanding by the authors of the executive order: all fetuses have phenotypically female genitalia until they reach six to seven weeks of gestation, at which point some fetuses can start to be visually differentiated as male, according to the National Institute of Health."
Evil incarnate has been granted power to pervert. Resist it.
'God have mercy on us': GOP rep slammed over 'dangerous' response to bishop’s plea to Trump
"The person giving this sermon should be added to the deportation list." —Rep. Mike Collins (R-GA)
As they all do, this Nazi will reap what he's sown.
Major police unions that backed Trump 'deeply discouraged' by Jan. 6 pardons
The end of "law and order Reupublicans." This is now the Nazi Party.
Donald Trump's Inauguration TV Ratings Compared to Joe Biden's
"On Monday, 24.6 million viewers tuned in to watch Donald Trump being sworn into office, estimates from the data analytics company Nielsen showed, which was lower than the viewership Joe Biden's inauguration received four years earlier.
Newsweek contacted Trump's team for comment by email on Wednesday outside standard working hours."
Of course the idiot will deny it. The rest have forgotten we defeated both the Nazis and the treason of the Confederacy. We will continue to resist these miscreants.
However, there were still those who were willing to freeze their dumb asses outside to see a fascist criminal take power.
Dear Elected Democrats: Are You Collaborator Or Are You Opposition? Make Your Choice
"We think we speak for most informed Democrats and leftists and left-leaning voters and progressives and liberals — yep, the whole spectrum! — when we say 'OK boys and girls, get the collegiality circle jerk out of your system now, because the time for fucking around ended yesterday.'
And yes, working together in any way with the Trump administration — AKA collaborating with Nazis and fascists and terrorist-sympathizers and traitors and perverts and sex pests and sometimes all of the above — is fucking around.
You’re either a collaborator, or you’re part of the opposition."
Trump Rescinds Biden’s Order Aimed At Lowering Costs of Prescription Drugs
Why is anyone so deluded about Trump helping the common man? Stupidity deluxe!
The Morbidly Rich: A New Name for an Old Problem
We need a new phrase to identify these oligarchs who are reaching out to seize control of our government, our economy, and our culture.
Donald Trump Is at War with America
Return fire.
Panama president hits back at Trump and 'rejects' inaugural speech 'in its entirety'
As he should.
Trump Cancels John Bolton’s Secret Service Protection Despite Threats From Iranian Regime
Traitor refuses to protect an American. You could be next.
Hegseth Hit With New Domestic Abuse Allegations
But it's OK because Trump doesn't give a shit.
Trump Admin Accused of Using AI to Draft Executive Orders
"Mere hours after being sworn in as the 47th president of the United States on Monday, returning President Donald Trump got to work signing dozens — and counting — of executive orders, which range from commands for the US to withdraw from the Paris climate agreement and the World Health Organization to ordering an end to birthright citizenship and renaming the Gulf of Mexico to the 'Gulf of America.'
But while the executive actions range in scope, legal experts have called attention to some curious common threads: bizarre typos, formatting errors and oddities, and stilted language — familiar artifacts that have led to speculation that those who penned them might have turned to AI for help."
A person as stupid as he is must have some sort of help to get out of bed let alone write anything literate.
Trump's speech raises the old question: Is he evil or merely stupid?
"In Donald Trump’s new conceit, America was a hellhole in 2016, he made it great, then former President Joe Biden broke everything, but thanks to Trump’s 2024 election win, everything will be great again. Or, as he said in his inaugural address on Monday, 'The golden age of America begins right now.'
You know he is full of shit. I know he’s full of shit. We’d like to think everyone around him knows so as well, but does he? It’s the age-old question: Is Trump evil or merely stupid?
If his inaugural speech says anything, it’s that he is delusional in what he thinks he can accomplish."
The stupid one is the one who can't admit he's both.
Trump Creating Private Militia With J6 Pardons
Private militias will lead to chaos. The chaos of Trump.
Fanone Lays Into Trump, MAGA, After Pardon Of Insurrectionists
"COOPER: I'm wondering when you heard the news and what what's going through your mind tonight?
FANONE: I just heard the news from your producers a few moments ago, and the only thing that is going through my mind right now is that, this is what the American people voted for.
Donald Trump has been promising these pardons ever since he announced his candidacy in Waco, Texas, the scene of one of the most notorious battles between American law enforcement and the American extremist extremist movement that resulted in the death of numerous law enforcement officers.
Thanks America
COOPER: This feels like a betrayal to you.
FANONE: Oh I have been betrayed by my country. Rest assured, I have been betrayed by my country and I've been betrayed by those that supported Donald Trump.
Whether you voted for him because he promised these pardons or for some other reason, you knew that this was coming, and here we are."
Betrayed. Yes. There will more of it.
Bored German Translator Calls Trump's Speech 'Shit' On Live Mic
This person knows his shit.
Trump ushers in 'whole new era of scamminess' now that 'the mask is fully off': analysis
"The farcical nature of the inauguration was a fitting reminder that everything about the MAGA movement is a scam," Marcotte writes. "The weekend before the inauguration, Trump cashed in on his cultists' faith with a grift so obvious it would make Jim Bakker blush: releasing meme coins named after himself and his wife. Judd Legum of Popular Info summed up the move with, 'Trump has turned the inauguration itself into a brazen grift, launching a meme coin hours before being sworn in.'"
Giving arrogance a whole new meaning!
Cannon blocks classified docs report as Trump targets ex-officials over 'sensitive' info
Crime Inc. at work, working over and mugging America.
Pro-Trump police union shrugs off Trump’s pardon of 'violent felons who assaulted cops'
Gestapo Junior Patrol shows off their fascism.
'No one should excuse violence': Top Senate Republican rips Trump’s pardons of Jan. 6 rioters
No American, he means. Nazis don't give a fuck when it comes to violence.
'QAnon Shaman' vows to 'buy some guns' after Trump’s Jan. 6 pardons
This 'genius' won't be so lucky the next time.
Rubio sidesteps J6 pardons by declaring 'I work for Donald J. Trump'
That's akin to saying "I'm as guilty as my Nazi leader. I only follow orders like the rest of the Nazis."
Trump expected to grant clemency to almost all J6 criminals — including violent felons
No more laws in America except Trump law. Impeach him now.
Maddow Rips Trump: Birthright Citizenship Cannot Be Undone By Executive Order
"That is a provision that is explicitly in the Constitution in the plain language of the 14th Amendment, but Trump today will reportedly try to abolish it, with an executive order, even though executive orders can't override the Constitution. Just as executive orders cannot override the law."
Convicted criminals don't follow law. Duh!
Musk Gives Nazi Salute At Trump Inauguration Rally
Of course. This is what Nazis do.
Felon To End All Trans Rights And Diversity Policies
And he can call anyone a "trans" should he choose to do so.
"Trump on Monday plans to sign executive orders proclaiming that the U.S. government will recognize only two sexes, male and female, and ending “radical and wasteful” diversity, equity and inclusion programs inside federal agencies, according to senior White House officials. The officials grouped both orders under the incoming Trump administration’s wider “restoring sanity” agenda."
As un-American as it can get. Impeach him now.
Felon: “We’re Taking Back The Panama Canal”
Lying criminal releases his cascade of untruths.
Felon Fails To Place Hand On Bible During Oath
"Rather than place his left hand on the two Bibles, Trump kept it to his side as he he raised his right. Footage from CNN, Fox News, Fox Business, and MSNBC shows his left hand remained at his side throughout his reciting the oath."
"If Harris had done this, right now X would be flooded with posts declaring that she was signaling her allegiance to Satan."
ABC: Felon To Commute Sentences Of Violent Rioters
Crime is legal now in U.S.
Trump Admin Cancels Flights For Afghan Refugees
Our Nazi in action.
ACLU to Sue Trump Administration Over Birthright Citizenship
"ONE OF THE LEADING CIVIL RIGHTS ORGANIZATIONS in the country is set to sue the Trump administration over the president’s pending executive order to end birthright citizenship, according to three senior immigration leaders."
The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is preparing the lawsuit in anticipation of Trump moving to end the practice enshrined in the Constitution’s Fourteenth Amendment, which states that “all persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States.”
A Cold and Dark Day in America
"Countless people living and dead have borne more sorrows than we may have yet known, but we have known our share of sadness, too. No one gets through this vale without tears.
But I can think of no sadder day than this one, January 20, 2025, a day that will live in infamy no matter how much effort and expense goes into prewriting history and sugarcoating this bitter pill. We are destined to be fed more lies more steadily by even more sources of fascist re-fashioning of reality. History shows little hope that the richest people will ever show mercy to those who are not rich. The weight of darkness descending on us is palpable. The sense of powerlessness is hard to bear. Hope is hard to muster. We know bad things are coming; we take refuge in a desperate desire that the future will be less bad than we imagine. We steel ourselves."
Takeover by Rogue Secessionists From Within — Fortress America Nibbled to Death by Ruthless Ducks
"Setting internal explosives amped by oligarchic betrayals, MAGA doesn’t need open violence to enforce its anti-democratic coup d'etat
Not every defiant U.S. secession comes with cannon shots targeting the Union, echoing the unprovoked attack on Ft. Sumter. History speaks to open, violent secession, but far more common: betrayal from within. At least the elitist, anti-democratic Confederacy served up to the Union a visible rebellion spouting states' rights’ excesses the North could not abide. The scorching of the Old South then triggered a serial, historic array of human, citizen, and voting advances true to the best of America, fortified (until now) by Constitutional amendments. That could happen again, with a potent response to the inevitable Trumpist glut of excesses."
Welcome To Wonkette's NO-NAUG MONDAY Dance Party!
"Hello hello! Today is going to be a good day FOR US because we ain’t watching that shit! Instead, we’re celebrating the real holiday, Martin Luther King Day, with a dance party consisting of a playlist I made (I made a playlist!) of every Black artist I love plus the Bee Gees and Dr. John, who can pass. At 3 p.m., your friend Ziggywiggy will have a matinee movie showing of Selma. Moral arc of the universe, etc., etc. We can hope. Maybe some day.
We’re gearing up for a hard four years. We’ll need dancing and music and days off from the fuckstorm. Please don’t comment about the inauguration if you’re silly or a glutton enough to be watching it. This is a naug-free zone."
Trump Just Inherited Sole Authority to Launch Nuclear Weapons on a Whim
"The global security landscape has changed dramatically since Donald Trump’s first term, but one thing that remains constant is U.S. presidential authority to use nuclear weapons. From the moment he takes the oath of office until the moment his successor assumes the presidency, Trump has the authority and the means to order a nuclear attack at any moment and for any reason if he chooses to do so."
Trump Makes Frightening Far Right Promises in Inauguration Speech
"Donald Trump has officially been sworn in as the 47th president of the United States.
The quadrennial ceremony was moved inside due to cold weather, held in the rotunda of the U.S. Capitol building — the very place where, four years earlier, hundreds of Trump loyalists violently disrupted the certification of the 2020 election after Trump lost the race to Joe Biden, an event that led to hundreds of participants being charged and convicted."
A convicted and sentenced criminal is now the leader of our country? Shame and disgrace has been created by America.
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