Watch The Trucks Go By
by Joe Hutchinson and P.A.Echler / Cat's Paw Music / B.M.I.
Let's go down the road
Darlin' you and I
Have no place to go
Watch the river roll and the trucks go by
And the trucks go by
If we get lucky in some town up north
We could have the baby, settle down and so forth
Watch the trucks go by
Watch the trucks go by
A train can't take us
Where we want to go, can't afford to fly
Darlin' you and I watch the trucks go by
When you get lonesome for that home you left so long ago
I'll help you feel affection on the road, I know
Where we're goin' there'll be rainbows
Watch the colors from our treehouse
Birds will build their nests in our chimney every spring
A train can't take us
Where we want to go, can't afford to fly
Darlin' you and I watch the trucks go by
From Hungry Chuck - Bearsville LP 2071